Attending this event?

Join KAAN from June 21 – 23 for three days of keynotes, films, presentations, roundtables, performers, exhibits, support forums, and life-changing community. KAAN offers an Adoptee-Only track, as well as sessions for a general audience that are open to all. There are programs for adults aged 18+ and youth aged 8-17. Everyone is welcome, including adoptees, birth families, family members (adoptive parents, spouses/partners, siblings, and children of adoptees), service providers, and Korean Americans. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at tech@wearekaan.org.

Register now at tfec.org/kaan2024

Donate to KAAN
KAAN is a Project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, fiscal sponsor. This permits KAAN to operate as a nonprofit under TFEC’s 501(c)(3) designation. The official registration and financial information of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, at 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Foundation for Enhancing Communities is registered in each state requiring such registration for charitable solicitation. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Thank you!

avatar for Ali Koehl

Ali Koehl

University of Michigan

Contact Me

Ali Koehl (she/her/hers) is a recent graduate of Hope College who has a bachelors in psychology and Chinese studies. She is a Chinese transracial adoptee from Fuling, China and grew up in Otsego, Michigan. She has been involved in spaces that engage with DEI, social justice, and higher education. She created Hope's Adoptee Organization and is currently the Community Engagement and Programs Intern for the Phelps Scholars Program. Her hobbies include watching C-dramas and K-dramas, reading, and traveling. 
Friday, June 21

12:00am CDT

12:45pm CDT

2:30pm CDT

4:00pm CDT

Saturday, June 22

7:00am CDT

7:15am CDT

8:00am CDT

9:00am CDT

10:30am CDT

12:45pm CDT

3:45pm CDT

8:00pm CDT

Sunday, June 23

8:45am CDT

9:30am CDT

12:15pm CDT

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